I’m in Love

Woa Nelly I love to see twirly girls spinning to their hearts delight.  Little Wellies on Etsy has got the Crazy Love fever and they are not shy about it!!!  Thanks for sharing the Crazy Love Craze!!  This has been such a big hit for us and we are so grateful it delights all of you!!

A Very Exciting Moment

As we all know it takes a ton of rejection to get that one moment.  So grateful for it!  It was a ton of fun and would love to have the opportunity again but one thing I do know is that life will unfold and I will show up. Letting Go is never easy but when you trust and have faith all things work out.  My mom taught me that!!

So here we are Madeline and I ,my husband is working hard in the background and my children are watching in suspense.  We did it.  Nailed it and all because my co host Madeline with the long flowy hair in the beautiful Sis Boom dress she designed,  kept me on track, kept me rehearsing, kept the props coming and told me I could do it.

Thanks to all you beautiful people in my life who keep it real , throw caution to the wind and act real silly.  You are my heros!!

Thanks Fox and Friends for allowing me to share my passion!  Click on the Picture to see the video or click here.


A New Girl in town!

Nida White just connected with us on facebook and I’m so glad she did!!  Talk about a Sis Boom enthusiast!  I got a little nosy not too nosy of course but I saw other beautiful things she had created on her facebook page.  She lives in Singapore so really and truly we can call her an International star!!!  It also looks as though she has Girls World check out the message board!!  Thanks Lola Pink for carrying Girls World!!! xo Nice to meet you Nida!!

Never Give Up!

Jennifer  Fraunfelder never gave up and now she sews through the night filling orders for her etsy shop SouthernBabies   She’s getting the kids to school, feeding the cat, and no wonder with all our daily tasks we want to throw the towel in when business doesn’t run smoothly!  This sweet gal like all of us at one time or another, including myself have persevered! Listen if you are making it through these tough economic challenges chances are you will be poised for success when this is all behind us!!  Jennifer thanks for not giving up on your dream because we all need your success story to motivate us!!! Love you girl!  6mos-4T.

Crazy Love combo!!

We are big fans of Lori Todd at Sassy Stitches,  A girl with quite a bit of Sass but it’s the good kind so no worries.  She makes the prettiest clutches and they are just so beautifully done.  I love her eye.  Nothing matches yet it’s brilliant.  Thanks Lori for creating such eye candy.   I absolutely love!!!!!  Guess what folks for Crazy Love since things are getting dicey at various sites Quilt Home will have them all very soon if not sooner.  They are getting them up on their site.  There is the latest stop for all of Crazy love and once you see how perfect they are with Superfly well the rest is history!