Keeping my word

As you know Circa is truly sweeping the nation and because of that I am holding tight to mine.  I have a photoshoot to do!!  But I thought that because all of you mean the world to me that I would at least offer up half yards of all of Circa for all my pals out there. So here’s the deal. The comments have to be here for us to really know what the heck is going on.  So share with your neighbors we love that about all of you.  Tell us your favorite Sis Boom story if you like but you don’t have too or maybe how you know Jennifer (me) or maybe how you got into sewing.  We love your stories!!  Tell us about your business and what it means to you. Short and sweet , we love getting to know you.  If you know me from facebook / twitter  you’ll know I try to reach out to everyone.  As we are growing I’m still the same girl who launched Sis Boom and know the heart of what goes on here is because of all of you.  It’s a special place with lots of special people and it does take a village.

So leave your message here and you will be entered to win a big stack of 1/2 yard of all Circa’s.  I kid you not.Offer ends June 15th at midnight so everyone gets a chance.


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