The Basics have arrived!!!!

This is a very exciting moment in time!! The Basics line has just come in !! oh think of the enormous possibilities…It works beautifully with Modgirls and Bell Bottoms which will be introduced in January!! The fabric floats… I love any white on a bright ground color!! This is the whole line Casey Scroll and Katie Eliza Stripe! Now if I could have a drum roll please because we are raffling off this whole set of half yard pieces to the LUCKY winner!! Drawing will be held Friday October 19th 2007 so stay tuned….

Paper Post

I had to clean up that last post something strange occurred so I thought I might as well show you all the cones we have been working on they are so wonderful we are quite smitten with ourselves over here at the Sis Boom Factory….Img_1480_2

Paper Post

I’m having fun with my paper for Daisyd’s …check it out!!! Sooo purdy!!! Love it…Img_1142

Dirty Ball

Here he is George the Labradoodle from Glen Eden in VA. trouble from the get go ……waiting to play dirty ball
that’s right go ahead and magnify that picture and see what I mean….There on the beautiful Ralph Lauren fabric.. yes that’s him with his dirty ball….he gets away with murder…George is one of the greatest prophets of all time…he taught me to just be and that material things don’t have to weigh me down and they don’t rule my life , you wipe it off and move on, no need for a mental breakdown….White sofas, canvas for his dirty paws, oriental rugs…back scratchers,…when the kids were young the house and keeping it perfect (a pipe dream) was all so important and now it’s just not…the pleasure this dog brings far out weighs any mishaps he has around the house…when he thows up…I whisper “mammas here.”.. and when his arthritis acts up we massage him…we throw footballs for him to fetch and chase him around the house.. we even play hide and go seek….the beauty of having George is watching the kids and how they love and nurture too… now that Matt drives there is a towel laid down in the back seat of his car just for George..together they visit Clarisse at Fidos Food Bin and the mention of her name will get him wimpering….At the end of the day Kate and I lay down with him to say prayers and he’ll rest his chin on dirtyball looking on intently….last but not least Rich of House and Pet who takes him every Monday and Friday for doggie adventure and he swims and runs with his buddies Angie,Bella.Lucy.Molly and whoever else signed up for the day…Tell him Rich is coming and he jumps up on the window seat the tail going back and forth wildly and waits with his dirty ball until Rich shows up…That is one special relationship…Rich is his life..He’s one lucky boy..Photo

..and the winner is…

Thanks for that loving tribute to my mother ….it meant so much to her….as promised the 3 yards of Modgirls goes to Valerie Fischer who doesn’t seem to have a blog as yet…Please be watching for upcoming Casey Scroll and KatieEliza Stripe coordinate Raffle. This will be posting within the next two weeks …all my best, JenniferMommmy