The unstoppable Hickity Pickity!!

Most of you know our gal Judy Buchanan because she stops by all of your sites and facebook pages and cheers you on.  I am so impressed with how she runs her business and just this evening I discovered her facebook page filled with enthusiasm from her followers!!  Make sure to like her on facebook and get inspired by her wonderful colorful world. She has a shop in Florida, an etsy shop, a website that you should follow and a fun blog .  She does it all so beautifully and like all the friends of Sis Boom she is so not afraid of color.  As a fabric designer I look forward to seeing how her eye interprets the collection and how she sees it working in her designs.  It’s an amazing win win. Georgia Handy is the photographer took the shot of this little girl for Judy and I tell you eye popping.  Lots of talent!!!  Hats off to a super 2012!!!!

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