we think you’ll LOVE THIS… Sis Boom Sale markdowns happening RIGHT NOW! pssst brand new tunics are $85… read on

Hey all!

Madeline, Jennifer's assistant speaking…OK, so listen up- Jen is running around with a green marker, as I type, putting big, bright, green slashes through just about everything… (eh hem – do we know what that means??… green marker means 1/2 off!!!!)

SO, what's half off? ALL pillows, select clothing items, aprons, select quilts, ALL ornaments (yes, really) and ALL stockings! I know. totally exciting.


Some other big news?! The current price of Jennifer's brand new, hot off the press, totally amazing tunic is $85. WOW. Come try one on!!

So if you were here yesterday, come back, friends.. and GO CRAZY!! And if you weren't, you better get over here because we can't wait to see you!

Gotta get back to the hustle and bustle!

Jennifer sends her love!

pssst. this is the tunic I was talking about… $85. Yes! I know! get over here!


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