Car crash and pretty things!

Backed into the hubby's car over the weekend not something I recommend.  It still feels awful but I must say after sharing it on facebook  I am struck by how many folks have done it and aren't ashamed to say it!!!  It happens in a flash and when all the math is tabulated it feels like you want to hurl….oh and the question on everyone's mind is what kind of car?  He bought a nice Volkswagon economy car with a diesel engine just about two weeks ago and he couldn't wait to get it on the open road and travel forever on a dollars worth of gas.  I told you I was in a fog! Well somehow the fog lifts when you back your car into your husband's car that crunch of metal and steel and then him (my husband) flying out the screen door to see what happened.   In a flash I was stunned and mortified.  Somehow  saying nothing is the best thing to do.   Your son whose 19 telling you to go inside he'll talk to about a roll reversal.  Why when we are economically challenged do these things occur????  So anyway I thought I'd share this with you and if you can top that please do cause my ego could use the balm.  While I'm here I thought I'd show some more pics of the Flower Power  bed.  Have fun creating your own nest.

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