First Tutorial

Thank you all for your feedback, here it is the easy as pie lesson…First get yourself some 18 or 20 guage wire about 12 inches long ( the longer the more beads the more to wrap ) slip it through a bead or pendent whatever you like…second get a piece of ribbon about 22″ long (remember it has 2 sides) place it between wire with 2-3 inches exposed and take that small piece of ribbon and fold it over so it doesn’t fray…dedicate one side of wire to wrap around that small side keeping the long end of the ribbon loose..wrap that wire around folded end and one part of the wire stays long…so far so good…then take that long loose piece of wire and bead it..leaving about an inch on the end exposed…when you like what you have beaded wrap it around folded ribbon and voila you are done…just take the end and secure it…repeat on other side of ribbon…If you are successful please show me or if you have improvement on directions let us know that too..I’ll get better at this…the uses are endless…Cimg0111

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