A Quickie

I love my Make my Day category because it really and truly tickles me to no end to see what comes from all the talented men and women of the blog world…Check out what Nancy has done now…..Folks this is a real genuine floor matt…maybe she’ll do a tutorial one day!! Img_1517_2

Blockbuster Award!!

Something about Bari J. She’s not only an amazing business woman but extremely grateful for the talents bestowed on her and sometimes I think that’s the main ingredient for success…..GRATITUDE……She really takes the quilting fabrics to a whole new place and shows us how to work with every last remnant!! Skillfully she has created a wonderful business and shares the trials and tribulations on her blog. Honest and raw I appreciate every detail and her intimate sharing of heartache and rewards of perseverance….She tells us to Dream of possibilities…Can you tell I am crazy for this girl….Take a look at her site her ,her blog, find something for yourself or be inspired…whatever works…please wish her my best…JBetty_bluestripe

More Inspiration

Take a look…Nancy Geneay designs the prettiest quilts…. Taking a cue from one of my Bell Bottoms announcements she hastened a beautiful quilt that is just blocks of the fabrics free formed together….I even pretended it was a rug in this photoshoot!! I know I’ve shown a ton from this collection but I know I’ll get an e-mail from someone who will see it for the first time so please indulge me…..Maybe you’ll see something that inspires you and be glad I posted so many Bell Bottom views…..Next week watch for my blog aboutt Bari J designer extraordinaire who makes the most beautiful items from quilting fabric so stay tuned……Img_0092

Creative Play

It was amazing!!! I got to see Meleen and her beautiful daughter Caroline who I met at Silver Bella!!.Terri Ventura was a fabulous Host even participating in class and designing her amazing cone with the face icon she has become synonymous with…Do yourself a favor and visit her new website…The glittered Maya Road die-cut embellishments were a big hit…and of course I brought the ever supportive girlfriend Nancy Deweir Geneaywho after making two amazing cones disappeared and was held hostage by the Tinsel Trading lure of creativity!!! Now because Tinsel attracts those that find inspiration in the wealth of creative fodder we met Heather Huey an incredible millinery talent who is camera shy!!!and then Lisa Kettell came by to say hello!!
The day could not have gotten any better…Thanks to all those who participated !!! xoxoxo JenniferImg_0034_2

So Blue!!!!

Not me…… this lovely skirt my daughter is wearing!!!!!In the Arcade of our Vegas Hotel she played the Arcade slots for juniors and won a $300.00 dollar stuffed animal for our dog George…I know you moms are nodding your head…Matt and Kate kept winning thousands of tickets to cash in and could only afford a small stuffed thing…oh well…..it’s the fun that matters…I guess….Lets just say we lost more money in the arcade downstairs then in the Casino upstairs!!!!Img_0213