Nothing to say

oh don't feel sorry for me..theres a bunch going on my head is swimming and the kids are home for the summer.  I'm sure you can relate.  You ever get to the point that you don't know what to do next you are sort of in a fog but you have great people around to guide you so you feel ok about it all.  That's me today.  I am so grateful for my close friends and of course the husband who never waivers.  He's so clear headed that I am intrigued by that.  I didn't get that in my set of genes I'm an artist that thinks chalkboard walls and vintage hats are a priority.  When we redid the house 10 years ago all I kept saying was french doors, french doors as though nothing structural even mattered. Sometimes its a bit to superficial and I'm so grateful for George the big lug dog who eyes you as he walks closely by with a rubber toy in his mouth close enough where he can run if he needs to just out of reach hoping you'll need the same rubber toy at that moment, or hides behind your legs in a thunderstorm..that's the best.  alas you know how I get when I talk George sometimes I think this should be a blog about him and his friends.  It's almost the 4th and I got one of those wonderful e-mails the ones you stop to read but you really want to delete and it hurts to slowdown and take it in cause your too busy.   They are almost always forwarded  from my mother. The funny thing is as cliche and redundant as most of them seem if I stop and breathe and take them in they are rich with meaning.  This one was just a simple reminder to remember the soldiers this weekend.  Funny thing is we would be planning the BBQ and it would be so easy to get caught up in July 4ths festivities that I sometimes forget that .  So I wanted to just give a shout out to the soldiers and their families and thank them for the privilege of spending the 4th with mine.


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