Just want to hug um up!!

I tell you we are back logged with things to do for market but I had to show you a fun designer in Norway, yup that's right, we are international tiny superstars!!  Emily Moss creates these one of a kind dolls with the most precious of details.  I sent her some fatquarters and she sent back these two pretties which I wanted to keep both but she explained one was to raffle.  So Reluctantly we are giving away one sweet  Raven Hill doll ,possibly two if you beg long enough and are super over the top sweet and tell me how much the world would be lost without Sis Boom or something like that.. So leave a comment and enter to win! Drawing to be held this Coming wed, April 21st at 5pm.  The two I have have the paisley bottom.  If you don't win Emily will most likely sell you one!!!  She's a doll herself by the way ! Another quick thing, Please check the blog often and support our sellers on the righthand side of our blog cause we love em!! If you sell our fabrics and would like to be added please request!!  And as always our Sis Boom Sightings flickr group wants you to add your lovelies!!!  Go take a look it is filling up with your Flower Power Eye Candy!!  One more thing Paisley is a great baby name!!  Someone out there wants a baby blanket made with our Libby Paisley cause her sister just had a girl named Paisley!!!  I love it !!!  love the anecdotes that's what makes this business fun!!

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