Pom Poms and Flowers

More from our fabulous day!!





A stormy day miracle

This shoot started with Thunder cracking and lightening bolts and everyone in the kitchen at 7am in case a tree decided to fall on the house…Poor George was shaking like a leaf..I wondered what God had in store and how we would pull it off but I just had to trust.  I see now as always a need for faith in all things.  Dreamy photos by a brilliant photographer and stylist.  Tim Geaney and Madeline Rhodes collaborated on some sensational photos. We love to bring you cutting edge style , we are quilting fabric Fashionistas ! We just love to bring you quilts and apparel that will live on long after we are gone!!!! So hop on board take a look and please feel free to inquire about anything that you see that you might like!!! We are listening. Handbags $72.00 handmade in the US of A!!!

We love that you stopped by today and want you to know we design with you in mind..xo Jennifer





Into the woods with Circa!!!

We can feel the romance of Circa!!! We wanted to share with you some of the beauty from our most recent shoot…Some of these are our own patterns revisited and some our from Girls World, again revisited!! We feel so blessed to be working with the master ..Mr. Tim Geaney!!


We had a magical photoshoot with Tim Geaney our favorite photographer in the whole wide world.  His photos are just soulful and touching.  We can’t believe our good fortune when we get to have fun with him in the jungle or in his studio.  We love a collaboration and we love trying new things, it’s how we grow into ourselves.  I hope these photos engage you and encourage you to be expressive and enjoy the process!!

Check out all the inspiration!!


We love the the Marco Pattern on women..great for summer!!!!




Fashion Shoot

As you can see we have disappeared for a few days and we apologize . As a designer these are the moments that are most stressful. I want to bring you the very best of Sis Boom and that means working like crazy with the stylist (Madeline) and my seamstress (Bettyann) we go until the sunsets and as most of you know I pop up early to get the inspiration on paper. We adore you all and hate when we can’t be in touch with all of you all the time.  You are what make me want to raise the bar every time.  Carla is busy working on a Sis Boom pattern for all of you and we are so grateful to that very busy woman. Remember to purchase all the Scientific Seamstress classic patterns on Etsy.  Today we go underground for more planning and styling but we will be back soon!!! So get your ticket to the show and get a front row seat..(:)))))  we are so excited for you to see.


Beauty unbound!!

I can say that because Michele Conroy Andy Whitby from My Georgie Boy hasn’t put the binding on yet.  This is drop dead gorgeouness at it’s finest. Holy Cow!!  Made in Australia I’m sure she will ship to the US.  This huge beautiful double quilt is amazing made from Circa!! Only one available!!! I am so inspired by this each block looks like framed artworks.  Way to go my Aussie friend!! You are on fire!! I had the wrong name posted..forgive me Michele!!

So there you have it !! Hawthorne Threads has plenty on reorder so you should not have a hard time finding it!!! Make sure to put your name on the list or contact her!!

Love the Dreaminess of the photo!!

Pom Pom Party Pouf & Garland Tutorial!

It’s time to craft!!! Join Jennifer as she walks you through the Pom Pom Party Pouf & Garland tutorial from Happy Home.

It’s a GREAT project for the Summer — think of all those special moments you can decorate… from BBQ’s, birthday parties and beach parties to weddings, kiddo parties, and well, even a special room in your home!

These are fabulous projects to do with kids, as there are kid-friendly options. The Plastic poms you will see come wrapped up in a twisty tie. It’s a safe alternative to the hot glue gun, and still achieves the same, beautiful result.

As always, we like to remind folks that the glue gun should ONLY be used with parental supervision. It can get very hot and can be dangerous.

Most importantly, HAVE FUN!


A Sis Boom Cottage!

Fresh cut flowers, a warm breeze, lemonade in your hand, and your feet up on a soft, handcrafted quilt. The curtains billow in the air as a Summer breeze passes through, and you dream of your next sewing project… A pillow? A table cloth? A satchel?… all things that make your life just a little bit sweeter. You’re in a Sis Boom cottage, and it’s perfectly balanced between a soft, whimsy sensibility and a sleek modern spin… Somewhere in the middle of those two worlds is where Sis Boom lies. Pom poms and cotton meet glitter and sheen to create a welcoming, happy, inspiring place for you and your family to dream, love and play.

1. Happy Home, signed by Jennifer Paganelli, 2. Papier Mache Animal Sculpture, 3. Jennifer Paganelli Antonia embroidered pillow, 6. Circa Wholecloth Twin Quilt

Keeping my word

As you know Circa is truly sweeping the nation and because of that I am holding tight to mine.  I have a photoshoot to do!!  But I thought that because all of you mean the world to me that I would at least offer up half yards of all of Circa for all my pals out there. So here’s the deal. The comments have to be here for us to really know what the heck is going on.  So share with your neighbors we love that about all of you.  Tell us your favorite Sis Boom story if you like but you don’t have too or maybe how you know Jennifer (me) or maybe how you got into sewing.  We love your stories!!  Tell us about your business and what it means to you. Short and sweet , we love getting to know you.  If you know me from facebook / twitter  you’ll know I try to reach out to everyone.  As we are growing I’m still the same girl who launched Sis Boom and know the heart of what goes on here is because of all of you.  It’s a special place with lots of special people and it does take a village.

So leave your message here and you will be entered to win a big stack of 1/2 yard of all Circa’s.  I kid you not.Offer ends June 15th at midnight so everyone gets a chance.


Modern Maxi

We love our Betty Ann pattern named for a beloved mentor of mine.  This Maxi looks so terrific on Jeanne Hamling, one of our long time testers daughters.  Look at the shoes my friends , that’s what caught my eye!!!  I love her confidence and pride in wearing one of mom’s creations!!!  All of Jeanne’s kids are beautiful and I had the pleasure of meeting this one Miss Lily out in Utah!!  Folks I’m sorry I won’t be at quilt market but I will be thinking of all of you!!!  This pattern can be found under patterns on this site as well as many other pattern platforms! This fabric is part of our Crazy Love collection and can be found here.  Thank you Glam Fabrics on Etsy..  In Australia we found some here.  Thank you Fabric Traders AU

So there you have it , a pretty girl in a pretty handmade dress and coordinated shoes..We love you Lily!!