Lazy Lazy Girl

I’ve neglected my blog and the work is piling up!!  Please forgive me. I devote so much time to sewing these days and I really need to get on the stick? the stick? and why a stick?  Anywho I miss you all and I’ve wanted to share with you the greatest project I did this summer …I mean we.  Katies boyfriend Berto painted the dresser below with Annie Sloans Napoleonic Blue Chalk Paint, forget the paint, that name sends me to the moon!!! I knew I had to have it and yes pricey for a pint but I still have a 1/2 a can left!!!   This woman is brilliant, her colors are fabulous and the videos and tips on various sites and youtube make the whole thing go quite quickly.  I want to paint everything this color just so I can say Napoleonic  Blue..feels so noble..Royal!! So take a look and tell her I sent you.  Not that she’ll care or even know who I am….So inhale this beautiful dresser if you like.. The knobs are from Anthropologie but a little to transparant..not showing I painted the back white so no light could shine through and now they pop!!!  So I promise from here on forward not to neglect my Blog duties but please say you’ll keep coming..xoxoxo  Oh and sweet boy George was such a big help!

PS this has nothing to do with chalkboard paint..



annie sloan







Soft Spoken

Lynn Harris’s quilts speak to me I love how an innocent golden brown pinwheel glides over the surface of her Lucky Girl Quilt.  It is indeed magical and I am always happy with the choices she makes when doing a Sis Boom Quilt. Lynn is wonderful and now has a long arm quilting machine so talk to her.  I send it to her and she does the quilting. This collection reminds me of an old quilt with random pieces thrown together but it’s the darks and the lights that create the story!!! I love the navy in this collection because it grounds everything else.  Thanks for the classic you created Lynn. I am in heaven….seriously!!





The bus went by today and it’s always a trigger for longing..It went by so fast and yet I am so grateful to be present for all of it.  There is so much that can take us out of the day to day , we see it all the time.  I ‘m just so glad to have felt all the good the bad and the ugly.  There is something so precious about being present and available to our kids.  I love mine to bits and  I do miss the wonder that they experience in front of you every day..It’s exquisite.  So when I saw this beautiful quilt on the beach that Jane from Maiden Jane made it made me miss their youth even more.  She created something so beautiful that will be packed with memories over the years!  Have you met Jane be sure to follow her she is delightful.  Crazy Love is no longer being produced but lots of places carry them.  Here’s one place I found. Quilt Home has a ton!!

Summers end

Summers end

Check this out!!!!!!

Hawthorne Threads ordered more Circa for those collectors (hoarders) out there!  They have cut you fat quarters and charm packs and all that good stuff.  So please take what you need to complete your Sis Boom Treasury!! We are so excited this line filled you with inspiration! We love all the ideas and are amazed at the talent out there!! This may be the end of it so grab up when you can!! The sellers shelves are making way for Lucky Girl!!!



So speaking of Lucky Girl Lynn Harris of the Little Red Hen made the most gorgeous quilt from Lucky Girl!!

We are so in love with this Herringbone design!!  Lynn you always turn us on with your amazing color choices and this one is no exception!  With the most sincere gratitude we thank you!!

Gorgeous Quilt from Lynn Harris

Gorgeous Quilt from Lynn Harris


Lucky Girl has lived up to it’s name incredibly and hasn’t even made it’s debut!!  It’s just simply perfection for quilting. Marsha Moore has shared her direction with me and I couldn’t be more excited about it..She is so good at what she does..I saw these and had to share.  These are such terrific fodder for your Lucky Girl Quilt!! It should ship beg October or possibly sooner so get those pre-orders in so you can fill those orders. We love our quilting community.  Marsha you delight us in every way possible!!! So what’s your fave star? stripped or simple triangles..

Star Quality

Star Quality


Girls World for teaching

Highly sought after pattern in Girls World

Highly sought after pattern in Girls World

We love when you love our books!!  We encourage you to share and teach with them! Girls World is off the charts and we think the clothes and projects will look amazing with our new fabrics from Lucky Girl due out in October!! Check them out below..They got a huge response on facebook..Are you following us there? OK now you can indulge in Lucky Girl. Place your pre-orders with . Also if you love a sew-a-long please follow The Scientific Seamstress Lab on facebook!!!  Cathy and Jeanine are standing by to help you sew!!

center color Lucky quality






Pom Poms and Flowers

More from our fabulous day!!





A stormy day miracle

This shoot started with Thunder cracking and lightening bolts and everyone in the kitchen at 7am in case a tree decided to fall on the house…Poor George was shaking like a leaf..I wondered what God had in store and how we would pull it off but I just had to trust.  I see now as always a need for faith in all things.  Dreamy photos by a brilliant photographer and stylist.  Tim Geaney and Madeline Rhodes collaborated on some sensational photos. We love to bring you cutting edge style , we are quilting fabric Fashionistas ! We just love to bring you quilts and apparel that will live on long after we are gone!!!! So hop on board take a look and please feel free to inquire about anything that you see that you might like!!! We are listening. Handbags $72.00 handmade in the US of A!!!

We love that you stopped by today and want you to know we design with you in mind..xo Jennifer






We had a magical photoshoot with Tim Geaney our favorite photographer in the whole wide world.  His photos are just soulful and touching.  We can’t believe our good fortune when we get to have fun with him in the jungle or in his studio.  We love a collaboration and we love trying new things, it’s how we grow into ourselves.  I hope these photos engage you and encourage you to be expressive and enjoy the process!!

Check out all the inspiration!!


We love the the Marco Pattern on women..great for summer!!!!




Fashion Shoot

As you can see we have disappeared for a few days and we apologize . As a designer these are the moments that are most stressful. I want to bring you the very best of Sis Boom and that means working like crazy with the stylist (Madeline) and my seamstress (Bettyann) we go until the sunsets and as most of you know I pop up early to get the inspiration on paper. We adore you all and hate when we can’t be in touch with all of you all the time.  You are what make me want to raise the bar every time.  Carla is busy working on a Sis Boom pattern for all of you and we are so grateful to that very busy woman. Remember to purchase all the Scientific Seamstress classic patterns on Etsy.  Today we go underground for more planning and styling but we will be back soon!!! So get your ticket to the show and get a front row seat..(:)))))  we are so excited for you to see.