Handmade with love

So it’s official, dates are set and I am hustling in the craft room getting ready for all of you!!!! We have some awesome ideas and they are now coming to life!!  Lucky Girl will be in stock by then and you can come get you some.  Because the show is early you can even make something up. Yes check the dates, in early November this year, so you will have the gifts you need to celebrate the season.  Here are a few of the things we have been preparing.  Pricing is all under $40.00 each for items listed below.

HolidayInvite bunnyhop sequins special houses





Check this out!!!!!!

Hawthorne Threads ordered more Circa for those collectors (hoarders) out there!  They have cut you fat quarters and charm packs and all that good stuff.  So please take what you need to complete your Sis Boom Treasury!! We are so excited this line filled you with inspiration! We love all the ideas and are amazed at the talent out there!! This may be the end of it so grab up when you can!! The sellers shelves are making way for Lucky Girl!!!



So speaking of Lucky Girl Lynn Harris of the Little Red Hen made the most gorgeous quilt from Lucky Girl!!

We are so in love with this Herringbone design!!  Lynn you always turn us on with your amazing color choices and this one is no exception!  With the most sincere gratitude we thank you!!

Gorgeous Quilt from Lynn Harris

Gorgeous Quilt from Lynn Harris


Lucky Girl has lived up to it’s name incredibly and hasn’t even made it’s debut!!  It’s just simply perfection for quilting. Marsha Moore has shared her direction with me and I couldn’t be more excited about it..She is so good at what she does..I saw these and had to share.  These are such terrific fodder for your Lucky Girl Quilt!! It should ship beg October or possibly sooner so get those pre-orders in so you can fill those orders. We love our quilting community.  Marsha you delight us in every way possible!!! So what’s your fave star? stripped or simple triangles..

Star Quality

Star Quality


One of my favorite things

One of my favorite things to do is to share with you the Scientific Seamstress Patterns with you.  Carla Crim Just introduced the Be-bop!!  For Girls and their Dolls!!!!  Yes you heard me correctly. I just absolutely love this one …heck I would wear it!  so pretty, so painterly like the artists smocks from back in the day. Purely and genuinely innocent and lovely!! We are so happy for her and we love that her team has been doing sew alongs and how-to’s on the Scientific Seamstress website.  They will be putting zippers in this week so pay attention to the Scientific Seamstress website!!  Look at the beautiful flower pin from Girls World that she designed for our book Girls World.  She is the very very best their is. Carla continues to be one of the first PDF designers and consistently on the cutting edge. We are so grateful to have her in our business but more importantly in our lives. Hats off to another win Carla!! Oh What I love about her work is that she gives options, This one can be a flutter sleeve, a long sleeve, a dress, a top, lots of bang for your buck!! Check out the photos on Etsy. Sure to become a classic!!





We love you guys!!!  Facebook is hopping and it tells us that we are on track !!  You all mean so much to us and your opinion matters. So when you give us the thumbs up on a pattern or a product we get so very very excited!!!! So browse through our pics find inspiration and get to your bliss!!!  We support the dream in everyone!!!



Pom Poms and Flowers

More from our fabulous day!!





Fashion Shoot

As you can see we have disappeared for a few days and we apologize . As a designer these are the moments that are most stressful. I want to bring you the very best of Sis Boom and that means working like crazy with the stylist (Madeline) and my seamstress (Bettyann) we go until the sunsets and as most of you know I pop up early to get the inspiration on paper. We adore you all and hate when we can’t be in touch with all of you all the time.  You are what make me want to raise the bar every time.  Carla is busy working on a Sis Boom pattern for all of you and we are so grateful to that very busy woman. Remember to purchase all the Scientific Seamstress classic patterns on Etsy.  Today we go underground for more planning and styling but we will be back soon!!! So get your ticket to the show and get a front row seat..(:)))))  we are so excited for you to see.


Beauty unbound!!

I can say that because Michele Conroy Andy Whitby from My Georgie Boy hasn’t put the binding on yet.  This is drop dead gorgeouness at it’s finest. Holy Cow!!  Made in Australia I’m sure she will ship to the US.  This huge beautiful double quilt is amazing made from Circa!! Only one available!!! I am so inspired by this each block looks like framed artworks.  Way to go my Aussie friend!! You are on fire!! I had the wrong name posted..forgive me Michele!!

So there you have it !! Hawthorne Threads has plenty on reorder so you should not have a hard time finding it!!! Make sure to put your name on the list or contact her!!

Love the Dreaminess of the photo!!

Makes it so special!

So I had my friend Maritza Bermudez who worked on Happy Home with me create this beautiful canopy just like the one in Happy Home. Once the hardware is up you can take this and change it out. I can’t get over this. All these wonderful bouquets cascading down.  I tell you I just will never get enough of Circa and I hope you don’t either.  So for a fraction of what designer fabrics would cost you can have the same upscale look!!! Seriously this could cost up to $1000.00 to $1500.00 in Ct. easily!!!  DIY  this was $160.00 for fabric!!  For those of us obsessed with fabric that is a drop in the bucket. Back to back these fabrics are just so perfect together.  Please note nothing matches, I love just throwing together what I love!!!  When you surround yourself with things you love that is your signature look!!  So I hope you like what you see not at all fussy, just impromptu.  soon the Circa Pillows will be done and we will show you some whole cloth quilts. Enjoy the photos and of course Mr. George in the middle of it all.



It’s shipping

More beautiful then I remember.  My delivery came today and it is beyond what I recall!!  Really is so beautiful and so worth the wait. I’ve been right along side my friends who have waited patiently.   Before you know it you will have it and have difficulty cutting it.   That’s what I always here from you guys!!  So here is a pic, dream of the days ahead. The good news is most of it will ship in the next three weeks so before late May like intended.  Think about headboards and canopy’s in Happy Home and Girls Dresses and accessories in Girls World.  Please show us your visions too!!  Remember both books are in our shop for $42.00  Come by and say hi!!