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I did it, I announced Lucky Girl on Facebook. It’s always thrilling to launch a new line but it can be terrifying simultaneously!! You just always want everyone to be happy and that you continue to raise the bar for yourself.  Achievement can never really be measured so it has to come from within.  I like this line so much and know that you will have so much fun putting the designs  together. You know how much I love seeing your work and if I can help you launch a little biz so you can stay home with the kids I am happy to do so!!!! So I hope you are enjoying the summer it can be difficult juggling kids and your biz but take heart in knowing it will come when you are ready and not before.  Savor the notion that you are right where you are supposed to be!!




Around Sis Boom Town

Well Circa is about to hit and it looks like we are going to have to order more!!!  Looks like most of the yardage manufactured has been sold.  Do not worry that won’t affect you just means a party for me!!!! Seriously folks we don’t do it alone and it takes a village it takes your enthusiasm and excitement to carry it across the web and create a riot of sorts. We are passionate folks and when a line that we love resonates we can’t contain ourselves. Am I right??? So hats off to all of you!!! The good news for you is that the stores will have it that’s who consumed all the yardage.  I can’t wait to see what you create.  I want to see bridesmaids dresses and , boys ties, sunhats and amazing girls dresses so bring it on, fill my inbox with all your glory. I am standing by.  So Sis Boom Town is busy and on facebook the community is jumpin!!! We sell fabrics, dresses, clutches and a whole lot more. We hope you will like us on facebook and join the fun. Purchase our PDF patterns and our books from Chronicle cause Mother’s Day is coming.  Get fired up as one of my close friends always says.  Exciting days ahead.

The diamond Luca fabric is perfect for the boys aand men’s shirts we have them for $10.00 per yard..Holla!!

Auction Starts Now

April Keeter approached me back in January about her Boutique challenge Auction that happens a few times a year.  The theme was Sis Boom Patterns and sis Boom fabric and I am telling you, blown away!!!  Oh I love a challenge and these ladies brought their personal best.  Each one had me smitten and I know it will be a huge success.  I am telling you a great group of  women and extremely amazing talents. Love the fabrics they paired and using older lines and newer lines all I can say is brilliant.  Please go there now and bid!!  Thank you April and all the wonderful people of the Boutique Challenge Auction I wish you uber success in all that you venture!! Below is a taste of what you will find.  I am overjoyed that you thought of me and kudos to the This amazing endeavor.  Check out below the fabrics and patterns some chose..Too many to cover here so go and vote..

This is our Betty Ann Pattern with West Indies and Girls World Vibe

This is our Cathy Pattern with Crazy Love and Honey Child

Our Cathy in Happy Land!!!

Our Cathy Pattern in Crazy Love

This is the Josie Pattern in Girls World Book with Crazy Love Fabric and West Indies at the waist.

Our Vanessa Pattern in West Indies Fabric

Our Jamie Dress from our book Girls World in Crazy Love.

This is our Marissa Pattern in Happy Land fabrics

This is the Mary Fancy Sash Dress in Girls World Book in Crazy Love.

Create Kids Couture Pattern and Queen Street

Our Marissa Pattern in So St. Croix fabrics

This is our Betty Ann pattern with ruffle sleeve option and a mix of Queen Street and Crazy Love

this is the Marissa in Girls World Vibe!!

I pray I got a sample of all of you , incredible showmanship and I am beyond honored!!!



Florida!!! Are you listening??

Big event in Del Ray this weekend that you do not want to miss…R u hearing me..?  Hickity Pickity will be there with all your favorites for everyone in the family!!  I so wish I could attend.  Make sure to look for Judy Buchanan and her talented daughter Katie   Follow them both and facebook to see what they will be bringing to the Affair.  This is big and make sure to bring the kids and make a day of it..lots to see and do.  The Delray Affair, read about it here.


Sis Boom Family

Brothers and sisters can now have the Sis Boom vibe .  Check out the Hamling’s on this  beautiful spring day and you can be sure mama Jeanne made the most beautiful clothes.  This just excites me so much to see a bowtie and a shirt all from Sis Boom patterns as well as the Marissa and the Vanessa.  Gorgeous family she’s raising and I get to be the beneficiary of Jeanne’s talents.  So thanks Hamlings for this beautiful portrait on facebook so grateful to see you all!  And on top of  all that beauty the Scientific Seamstress has 30% off all Sis Boom patterns so use code TRYSCI call her nutsy!!!!!! That is a great deal!



We are so grateful to Carla Crim for our amazing PDF patterns. Every Day, and I mean Every Day, you all are singing the praises of Sis Boom patterns and we feel truly blessed to have the Scientific Seamstress tried and true pattern designer for the Sis Boom Pattern Co.

She gives it her all and simplify’s  the process and anticipates your questions before the pattern debuts. Our faithful testers give her feedback and talk each stage through. They also add to the magic of Sis Boom Patterns.

I can tell that you are all happy because we get so few questions It’s kind of like the Maytag repairman there is nothing to fix!!

Kudos to Carla and her amazing team of testers.  We appreciate you all so much.

So here it is the most popular pattern for it’s ease of  creating and of versatility.  It’s the Molly Peasant!  Named after my sweet sis and that’s Sophie my niece when she was a little one. You probably know her from our book Girls World.


We are ready!!

Tomorrow is the big opening day!!!!  We are looking forward to seeing you. No pressure just come and enjoy coffee and cookies.  Also to let you know for those George lovers he will only be here Saturday.  Customer Service is busy with Holiday Packages..  So come meet the girls and be prepared to spend a couple of hours with us  It can take awhile to get through it all.  We are here to help!!

more photos to come!!! This is our largest show ever !!!!

The Vanessa and the Betty Ann

Rave reviews coming in and nothing excites us more.  Look at this little one in the Bettyann a great vacation dress to have at the ready!! 


It’s a big day!

It’s the official launch of Bettyann and Vanessa.  I just have to say I love all the photos on facebook!!  OMG please follow us on facebook it’s like a big Par-tay up in there.  Our friend Alyson Ray of Thread in Tuscumbia, Alabama gets to launch these in her brick and mortar!! Yes we said PDF patterns in brick and mortar !!  Alyson has been testing our new coupon system in her store and is teaching folks the basics of printing and sewing with PDF’s!!  She can sell you a coupon to enable you to download a pattern and have it accessible to you when you get home and are ready to print.  Alyson thank you for being the wonderful passionate woman you are, we are so crazy about you!! She will have it before Thanksgiving and we will launch on Black Friday!!!! Call Alyson her phone is here.

Also make sure you read Christine from Creations For Eleanor review of the Betty ann.  She writes the most amazing reviews and we are so grateful to her.