Florida!!! Are you listening??

Big event in Del Ray this weekend that you do not want to miss…R u hearing me..?  Hickity Pickity will be there with all your favorites for everyone in the family!!  I so wish I could attend.  Make sure to look for Judy Buchanan and her talented daughter Katie   Follow them both and facebook to see what they will be bringing to the Affair.  This is big and make sure to bring the kids and make a day of it..lots to see and do.  The Delray Affair, read about it here.


Sis Boom Family

Brothers and sisters can now have the Sis Boom vibe .  Check out the Hamling’s on this  beautiful spring day and you can be sure mama Jeanne made the most beautiful clothes.  This just excites me so much to see a bowtie and a shirt all from Sis Boom patterns as well as the Marissa and the Vanessa.  Gorgeous family she’s raising and I get to be the beneficiary of Jeanne’s talents.  So thanks Hamlings for this beautiful portrait on facebook so grateful to see you all!  And on top of  all that beauty the Scientific Seamstress has 30% off all Sis Boom patterns so use code TRYSCI call her nutsy!!!!!! That is a great deal!


Something for the Boys

I bow down to Carla Crim on this one Not as easy as most of our patterns the Ethan and Marco patterns will challenge you to take the next step.  In true Sis Boom form Carla writes it so the beginner can stay engaged and create something wonderful for the boys/ men in your life.  Carla will not bring a pattern to market that all levels cannot create. We are so excited about this! Folks were so enthusiastic about seeing a men’s shirt in Happy Home that we decided to offer it in our pattern collection.  Kudos to the Scientific Seamstress for bringing it to life!!!  So let’s create!!! They are in our shop and will be distributed to our sellers very soon.Please note these are long sleeves with cuffs we forgot to show you them with the cuff..next photoshoot. Fabric found here. Thanks Hawthorne Threads!


Loving you!!

All of you near and far who make this business way tooo fun.  So we open again today 12-5 and enjoy your visits. Yes bring your children because they mean the world to us!!  My mom made me this beautiful needlepoint that I will cherish forever!!  My favorite Christmas gift!!!

Just sharing with you highlights of the show..xoxox Suzy is the best!!

Thank you Enriched Stitch for beautifully framing our needlepoint!!