Etsy Love

Thank you Etsy for all you do for the handmade community.  Everyone needs a little Etsy in their world.  We have adored Kim at Everything Etsy forever and are just so grateful for the Happy Home plug.  I ask you does it get any better???  Thanks Etsy for all the goods and goodness you put into this world. Forever in Love, Jennifer!  So get going and make a sweet summer hat that’s reversible.  Lot’s of summer left!! We believe in you!!

Embroidered Luxury

That’s what we call the Hotel Soho group of Pillows that we recently designed.  We adore them.  Fresh Modern yet recalls Mom’s house dress, at least it did me!!  If you find them around the net let us know so we can send some Linky Love. What color are you???

I love my peeps!

I love the word peeps but at this time of year they can only mean one thing!  Yet I love the way they describe all of you…delicious soft and cuddly and oh so cute!  I am so grateful to all of you for your goodness!  I bought something on Etsy yesterday and got a refund for having beautiful fabric..needless to say I couldn’t accept but it filled me with tremendous joy!! Got to say you are all so good to me cause I can be so dingy!!!  The joke around here is that I get everyone’s name wrong.  People stand by just waiting for me to call you Alice when your name is Penelope.  When I get it right there is dismay and thoughts of boy did she get lucky!!!  But one thing mama always taught me is that I may forget  your name but I will never forget the way you made me feel.  At Easter with so many thoughts of  wonder and awe and miracles I can only be grateful for the kindness and love you continue to show me long after you have finished sewing that hem.  There is something amazing that happens as we travel together.  One thing I do know is we are not alone and it is so fun to be in your company!! I’m dingy and when I ask ..where did we meet?? , you are so kind and patient and loving.

I have zillions of names for my kids Katie is Katie Lady, loopybaddaboopy,  my girs, loopy, katiegirs, kateskate,sweet girl Kat,  Matthew is Master Matt, mattyboys. sweetboys, Matters, Pags, Matty, big boy (he’s 21) so if i call you sugarplum that’s code for I may not know your name but you mean the world to me.  So be a peep and enjoy the world today give to the world your awesomeness and trust, believe in the company of others.Be the love you want to see in the world…(I stole that)

Quilt by Marsha Moore with Crazy love. be inspired!


Easter Dresses

Do me a favor drop everything and get over to Art and Soul and order your Easter Dress today!! So many to choose from and ask her about that special discount for facebook friends tell her you heard it here first. ok?? Even if you didn’t !! 🙂 Just wanted to get that out cause Art and Soul Boutique by Bercot does it so well!!!!  Once again these little boutiques got the following so like them today and get in on the deals!!

Regal Deers!!

If that doesn’t get your attention!!  You know I had this lovely vision what if we came upon deer in real life amidst the trees in the forest with these beautiful sequined blankets??  I’d love to see that..Maybe in photoshop!!!  So all year long I work on the Christmas show !!  So for all of you who thought I missed Christmas and thought I was losing my mind I’m actually ahead of schedule!!  Look at these marvelous noble deer ready for their Kodak moment with Crazy Love as a backdrop..what could be better?? I hope you all our enjoying this spring weather, I have my daughter and her boyfriend cooking in the kitchen my husband working on his music library..all is well.  Enjoy your week my friends.

What a difference a day makes!!

Read this to yourself and never forget it..Wise words from Marianne  Williamson

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.’ We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” (A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles”, Harper Collins, 1992. From Chapter 7, Section 3])

Her book Return to Love is amazing and I’m so grateful that someone gave it to me years ago..

So here are my french knots now.  By God, I think she’s got it!! perseverance and believing you are deeply loved unconditionally makes the perfection monsters go away. Create a mantra, like “I believe in all good things” say it over and over .  Affirmations saved my life. I used to tell myself everyday “I am strong and capable of handling whatever comes up today!!” that came in right handy.

Thanks for all your comments yesterday, it’s the brokenness and hardship that keep us together.  I’m grateful for my struggles they have humbled me and keep me reaching out to do service for others.  You guys know I am here for you and that is better than any gift I could ever receive.  Now check out these french knots now don’t be  jealous!!

The unstoppable Hickity Pickity!!

Most of you know our gal Judy Buchanan because she stops by all of your sites and facebook pages and cheers you on.  I am so impressed with how she runs her business and just this evening I discovered her facebook page filled with enthusiasm from her followers!!  Make sure to like her on facebook and get inspired by her wonderful colorful world. She has a shop in Florida, an etsy shop, a website that you should follow and a fun blog .  She does it all so beautifully and like all the friends of Sis Boom she is so not afraid of color.  As a fabric designer I look forward to seeing how her eye interprets the collection and how she sees it working in her designs.  It’s an amazing win win. Georgia Handy is the photographer took the shot of this little girl for Judy and I tell you eye popping.  Lots of talent!!!  Hats off to a super 2012!!!!

The Devon

Won’t be long until the Devon pattern is complete and Carla I’ll take one in every color thank you very much!!!  What is not to love???  The Peasant top or dress with a pull string collar.  I love a blouse!!  These fabrics are made to perform this way!!!!  The Devon will be my new addiction.  So feminine and so sexy at the same time.   Sexy in the quilt world is not a bad word.  It’s all good. I hope you like it as much as i do!!!  Leave your comments and thank Carla for granting your wishes..She’s so good at that!  I love the length, my bum has to be covered!!!!It’s a dark day in Ct sorry about the dark pic!!!

Today I’m working on Happy Land due out in October

Recoloring, rethinking, but this one was spot on!!  A heart for all of you because that’s what I’m feeling!!  It’s cold here and I am hunkered down sewing sequins and ensuring that Happy Land is everything you guys love in this world.  I am pumped for this incredible New Year.  Stop by often, remember to play and always stay true to you!

You Mean the World to me!!!

A bit of Sparkle

A bit of sequin sparkle

More Holiday Ideas

so you are loving June Tailor  fabric sheets Create for less has quite a few options.  Well I’ll keep the ideas coming…I love to use fabric glue and glitter create the overnight bag from Girls World yup Girls World is fantastic for Holiday ideas!!!  That’s the gift that keeps on giving.  Notice the advent calender below and a little vintage chick for that new baby!!!  I love to sew sequins for the sweetest of details that makes are nostalgic juices go into overdrive. Always remember for baby nothing loose that they can swallow , these are just totally decorative..hope your  days are full of wonder and expectation of good things to come..xoxo Jennifer