Less than 24 hours to enter giveaway!

Did you know were having a sweet little HEARTfelt giveaway here on Sis Boom?! You’ve got until tomorrow (friday) morning (when the winner will be announced) to enter our contest! Simply leave a comment on the “I Heart You… Raffle” post in order to enter. GOOD LUCK! Have a super sweet day.

I Heart You… RAFFLE!

Take a look here at this wonderful wreath made from a copy of a print in Lucky Girl (I am really such a tease) … Circa is barely off the presses.

How’d I do it?  I glued punched out hearts onto a embroidery hoop and topped it off with a bit of Glitter and a sweet PINK Bow.

Anyone want this… signed by me?  Leave a comment with regards to your heart’s desire. You’ll automatically be entered in the raffle after you leave a comment. Winner announced this Friday morning (just in time to deliver this special treat by Valentine’s Day!)


Hi Friends! It’s Madeline here writing to give you a heads up about a very special Tuesday coming up in a few short weeks!
On January 22nd Jennifer is hosting a very special crafting afternoon at her home!


Jen is going to walk you through making your very own Crepe Paper Bouquet!!
$75 includes the 3 hour class in Jennifer’s studio, and ALL materials… PLUS… LOTS OF FUN!

Jennifer always says, “Let the glitter FLY!!”… and that’s just what we’ll do!
Sign up with a friend (or two!) and come on over. Let’s let the glitter fly and have some fun.

After you craft your hearts out, feel free to shop the Sis Boom boutique with 20% off.
Jewelry, fabric, clothing, handmade trinkets, Jennifer’s books & stationary.

Not able to make the class, but want to come shop???
Enjoy 10% off. from 12-5 on the 22nd. Jennifer’s daughter Katie will be running the fab Sis Boom boutique!


Get your best candy game on , we are moving into the perfect sweet storm. Imagine one day someone thought this up..let’s go to the neighbors and ask for candy. I love this tradition.  I love when my kids would comeback from the evening and count and recount and divide by likes and dislikes, trade with each other and of course the tantrums when they thought one was missing from their stash.  Oh those times. We had a great scheme to get rid of all the candy after a few days.  They could trade it with the candy witch and she would leave a movie for them..That always worked!!  Just didn’t like that enormous amount of candy in the house….like anyone does?  oh An old postcard glittered and some vintage wallpaper makes the best vignette.

Don’t forget raffle in previous post would hate for you to miss out.


Not so scary

I like to do things that are a bit funky for Halloween.  Spray paint a suitcase black and just go nuts on it!!  Makes a great backdrop for your bewitching table.  Then there is always a need to change up a party hat so you can have a rather ghoulish time doing that.  Have a party, a candy corn party and keep it light no need to be ultra scary for the wee ones.  Hey to all of you thanks for continually making my day. xo

The Good Witch

The Good witch has a sparkly hat with an old castoff buckle!!!  Take our ideas, enjoy them, show us yours in our flickr group!!! Oh and have a great day..xo

Make Ornaments

I’m on a mission and you all know that by now and that is to make Girls World known around the world and to start a movement of young sewers!!  To get young girls and boys cause the boys love to make the puppies!!  So if you are teaching or sewing with Girls World we will send you ” Living a Girls World badge”  to help empower young girls to create!!  So what we’ve done is adapt the book for the Holidays and show you how versatile and inspiring these pages can be!!! Take the Ambassador of Good Will badges and adapt for ornaments!!  Take old ephemera, copy at Fedex Kinkos and create some wonderful handmade ornaments..resources are in the book!! Happy Holidays with love from Sis Boom!!

It’s here!! Sis Boom Holiday Show!

I have been making wonderful vignettes using y arsenal of vintage finds!!!  I haven’t been to the flea market in a year and I think I could keep going for another year..Yes I am a hoarder of vintage items, and I am parting with them because I know they make you so happy.  Remember no matter what day you come there is an abundance of items and you will be amazed!!! So when you come the coffee pot will be brewing and we have lots of goodies that Barbara Strawser is bringing so come early and stay all day!! Please, for me!!  check out the colors this is what a Sis Boom Christmas looks like. I’m a girl that can’t seem to do red and green..Wassupwidat!!

Sweeter than Sweet

oh my gosh how i love to play in my studio..it completes me!  Decorating the place in hopes that everyone gets in the Holiday mood..Things we make here at Sis Boom.

Love Bird FREE tutorial!!!

Ok, Ok.. last one — we promise… for today, that is 🙂

We hope you’re loving these tutorials as much as we are! This one is for all you love birds out there. It’s so super sweet and cheerful. With the downloadable pieces below you can build your very own lovebird set. Awesome, right? Scroll down after photos for tutorial directions!

  • Print out the following templates on cardstock (see below).
  • Cut out the beautiful birds and the luscious heart.
  • Mod podge the glittery areas of the birds (their back and crown) and sprinkle your favorite glitter in these areas.
  • Using a hot glue gun glue the heart to each bird, joining all three pieces.
  • Attach a beautiful bow to the base of the heart for added beauty.
  • To prop your lovebirds up, attach a dowel or rod either to each bird’s center individually (on the back), or where each bird meets the heart (on the back).
  • Viola, you’ve got yourself a pair of lovely LOVE birds!!!