Be inspired

Thanks Judy!! We love this dress and we love the vibe.  Hickity Pickity folks, they are selling out of all of it!!!!  Judy knows what folks want, this Baby romper is done in so many colors follow Judy Buchanan on facebook!!  Folks are buying right when she posts something new!!!

Mixing it up

We have a new friend in our Flickr group and loving her style!!  A patchwork of lovely!!!  The little munchkin certainly helps the cute quotient! Welcome Sara Upshaw of the Pretty Pickle to the group.  She just wung it !!  We appreciate the throw together factor at Sis all works!!  Thanks for sharing.  Visit Sara and see the pretty things she makes for herself!!

Goings on!!!!!

Thought I’d drop in and give you a little bit of what’s going on around cybertown.  Art and Soul boutique sent me the sweetest eblast and I recognized our fabrics right away.  That Carla dot named for the very special Scientific seamstress is one of my all time faves!!! And of course Tanya named for my favorite fabric designer Tanya Whelan!! of Grand Revival Design!! Incidentally her book ‘Sew What you Love’ is on Amazon!!!! Anyway Art and Soul has brought us the tiniest clothes the world has ever seen so go check her out!!! so in love with their work!!

And then there’s Allegro Fabrics who do an incredible job creating patterns , have just added some Crazy Love to their stock..They are good folks to know!!!

Easter Dresses

Do me a favor drop everything and get over to Art and Soul and order your Easter Dress today!! So many to choose from and ask her about that special discount for facebook friends tell her you heard it here first. ok?? Even if you didn’t !! 🙂 Just wanted to get that out cause Art and Soul Boutique by Bercot does it so well!!!!  Once again these little boutiques got the following so like them today and get in on the deals!!

Mod Podge by the Gallon

I really do because it’s my go to glue!!  I buy the mat but the glossy is great too.  Now listen if you have perfection issues leave them in the garbage by the door..seriously they so get in the way of any great art!!  Here’s how I do it..I hate gloves..that’s why I’m always covered with glue and glitter but if you need plastic gloves this could be the time.  Get out large great scissors the ones for fabric only.  Using a cutting blade and a cutting mat is the best but really it’s not necessary.  I do it all freehand lends to the handmade quality. Also the Accuquilt Go Baby is perfect for this . I love using  for this, like the circles and hearts. Try to have  a bunch of stuff cut before you start you don’t want to leave once you start. Dust off your suitcase.  These old suitcases are great, I don’t think I’d recommend a samsonite because frankly they are so rounded and slippery but what do I know?  Get your pieces together and start laying things down and butt right up against the edge.  Just get a sense of your design.  Take them off and then begin putting mod podge down lay fabric over and sponge brush mod podge again over that. Take your time and this is a no judgement no self criticism zone.  The wonderful thing about mod-podge is that it is so forgiving.  I’ve been doing these suitcases for 20 years mostly with old wall paper paper and it’s a hoot, the next morning when it’s dry it’s like fairy’s came in the night to make it all perfect.  Seriously, it’s such cool stuff.  So lay them down on sponge brushed suitcase as it lays down go over the fabric once again with sponge brush. Overlapping is cool no worries just make sure there is glue everywhere.  Do one side at a time and then the sides let dry and Voila!!  The trick is to get through the ugliness most folks give up..or think they are doing it wrong.  If there are areas that don’t come together easily lay a circle of a square on it.  Camouflage. This is where Accucut Go Baby come in handy!  or do some fancy fussy cutting..Melissa P. can show us a thing or two!! Ok get the modpodge off the scissors pronto..even using nail polish remover because I have at least 50 pairs of scissors with glue on them. I wish I wasn’t exaggerating. Try to get fibers off the suitcase but don’t get crazy. I really want you not to be fussy on the first one then you’ll find your true North after doing a few!!  oh and I have John Mayer singing in the background that seems to help!!! xoxoxo Amy Anderson, Lovely Amy Anderson writes a blog Mod Podge Rocks and can answer any questions!! Get to know her. I also recommend a mat acrylic sealer keeps it from sticking. I want to see yours. xoxo

Late addition!! Thanks Amy

Let’s have coffee!

Melissa P makes it a cake walk to have a cuppa Joe !!!!  Aren’t these the prettiest?? They make me swoon and so does she.  You all would love her,  heart  so big,  smile so wide kinda gal that you want to get to know.  Well look what she’s done for all of you..a tutorial for her “mug rug”  !!  Yes going on right now a gift for you! Then don’t leave her sight until you’ve exhausted every page cause that girl does some great things and has some great tutorials.  Happy New Year Melissa and thanks always for sharing your talents with the Sis Boom Fans.  Love you!

love all these color combos??? Try our sellers cause all of these are available and definitely contact us if you aren’t seeing it, we love to help you look!

A Colorful Dance

That’s what I think of when I look at Victoria Findlay quilt.  They are abundant with life, love and color. This one aptly named Festival of Color . She is one serious prolific quilter. We also showed you one of hers two weeks ago so head back and take a look. She’s always looking for quilts for her charities so please take note.  We love you Victoria for all the good you put into this world.


Yes Eggplant with spokes of color!!  I adore this quilt!!  Rosanne Derrett one of our long time favorite Quilters from Gosport England has a purple fetish and we are so grateful she used it for a backdrop on this amazing quilt!!  One of my many twitter friends Rosanne is just the sweetest and one of the most pleasant personalities on twitter!!! We are all obsessed with her  gorgeous dog!! He even drives on the left!!!  Anyway it’s taken me forever but I wanted you to see how Sis Boom can be so dramatic when done in such a unique way!!!!  Thanks lovely Roseanne , It’s so stunning and I could look at it all day.

Our Friends

You all never quit!! lucky for me I can always find something to blab about..So many great ideas , sewing, organizing or prettying up the place we’ve got you covered. Thanks for your wonderful input!!!!  We’ve got Melissa for her wonderful garland, Terri for her incredible storage buckets,  Jenny for the Pretty Rosetta bag which will be a pattern available in the coming week so stay close and Jamie for the charming tote bag.  Awesome week.!!!! love you guys !!!