Be the Love you want to see in this world!

Let Valentines Day just be about acceptance sometimes we pile on our expectations and hope they can read our minds.  Today I put it out there. It used to be Rings and fancy baubles but he never seemed to get it right.  (probably because I wasn’t clear on what love looked like)  Today some flowers and a drippy syrupy card can do it for me.  Have I settled..nah I’m just clear that the love I need now is so much richer.  The recession taught me so much about sticking together and letting go of shiny things. (for now).  I used to tease him that he was lucky cubic zirconia did it for me and it could be so much bigger than a real diamond!! I’m made that way what can I say??  Cheap does it for me!! So now I let him off the hook.  Let your Valentine off the hook, he’ll love you for it…..

One of my faves

We’ve updated our Lookbook so take a look when you come by next time. Lots of different views of Crazy Love.  How’s this for an amazing dress.  Probably not til the end of this year will we have a pattern but so many of you wanted a grown up version of the Josie Dress inside Girls World that we took our time in developing the right silhouette for the woman’s version that would work for a wide range breast sizes!  We pride ourselves in going up to size 3x.  Carla has insisted from the get go that we accommodate all sizes and I’m so glad she knew what she was doing.  This will take some time but it will be so worth  the wait.  I love it done up in the new Crazy Love Priscilla in Orange. So if you are looking for Crazy Love we’ve got Intown Quilter’s in Atlanta, Marie Madeline Studio, Hawthorne Threads, Please let us know , They are just coming into stock need to be unwrapped and photographed etc before they get up on your favorite sellers site so keep looking they are out there..blessings guys and thanks for loving what we do here at Sis Boom.

Photo by Tim Geaney

Big Winners!!!

You are never to old for pom poms!!!  How fun is the Devon with pom poms???  Once again a peak at Crazy Love (Priscilla in Blue) and the wonderful ideas for creating a Lifestyle with quilting fabrics.  The variety is amazing from curtains to clothing we love to create designs that excite and inspire.  This one’s for you!!!!  Kelsey does it so well.  She’s our spunky model from our hometown of Wilton and we are so happy to have her. She also modeled the Rosetta bag so you can see the scale of the medium size.  This bag is hugely popular amongst our followers so we love to continue to share different views!!  Enjoy creating today. I’m going up to the studio!!! Photos Tim Geaney.

Gorgeous bag, gorgeous patch

I love patchwork, just makes everything more interesting..know what I’m saying.  Look at this great bag from Hickity Pickity..sensational right??  Well girlfriend Melissa P of 100 Billion Stars has created a pattern for this wonderful tote.  Find it on Etsy!!

Bravo you guys!!!!

The Devon

When you wake up there will be a new pattern in town!!!  Called the Devon !!  Dress or Top you call it and here it is in the Wonderful Girls World Vibe tangerine!!!!! Our lovely friend Debra agreed to model this for us and we couldn’t be happier..She was the right choice for this pretty peasanty look!  Devon is the daughter of Cathy who is our customer service rep for the Pattern side of the biz and who we are grateful for everyday..imagine if I got a call with how do you attach the sleeve????  I’d simply say  “go with sleeveless and have a nice day” it would not be pretty!!!!   Cathy has been with Carla for a few years and knows all the ins and outs of these PDF’s downloadable patterns  which we always encourage you to try!! Devon is Cathy’s daughter and we wanted to tip our hat to Cathy for all the good she does in helping all the customers. And truth be told Devon is a cutiepie!!

So thank you to Carla for another winner in our pattern line up and for being the very best partner a girl could have..xoxo

The Angie for Valentines Day!!

Flirty, Fun and it has pockets in case you are swept off your feet and need a kleenex!!! You know what I’m sayin..This is one of the New Crazy Love designs that you are all in love with and I wish I could blink to get it here faster but do the Angie up in one of your favorite red fabrics and start playing you some funky music. Valentine’s Day is drawing nearer!! If you are lucky he may propose with Marry Me by Train! Makes Monica Solorio-Snow  of Happy Zombie and I go crazy for that song!! Thanks to my wonderful Team Tim and Nancy Geaney, Madeline, Debra Wolf, Kelsey Harkness for a fabulous shoot!! You all are the best.

Virtual friends!!

I love my virtual friends,  love when I get to hang out and chat or do a quick flyby hello.  We certainly have a real good time.  So today I’m in twitter minding my own biz when my friend Jane Davidson comes up with this cool block!!!!  Love the convergence of form and planes!  Love the textural feel and how it plays with solids. Juxtaposition is everything in quilting and there are so many inspiring squares that can’t wait to be linked into the whole piece.  This is beautiful and really makes me want to see more from Miss Jane. I think this is Diverging planes from her Desperate Housewives quilt that she is working on. She designs the most exquisite quilts!! Take a look and you’ll agree.

Goldilock’s Bag

We did some up in the new Crazy Love Fabric for you to see so here they are..remember you can order right on this site and three sizes are available in one pattern.  Goldilocks would have loved the wee little one!!!!  Order yours today!!  Thanks Carla for this beautiful bag and if you have questions our girl Cathy is standing by!!  PDF’s are becoming hugely popular!!!  Don’t be timid!!

Super Fly

So guess what by accident I hit the saturation button harder than I usually do so I think this line will require sunglasses on the beach or in a closet for that matter come to think of it they may even glow in the dark..Did someone ask for color.. I need to come clean.  For years folks didn’t get me in the quilt market and I don’t blame them I really didn’t have a sense of what I was doing either and all I knew was that I loved color and I wanted to bring my island palette to the forefront selfishly because I wanted to use them. They didn’t sell so well to be honest.  Fast forward ten years of doing this and I think the world has come around to meet me. Believe me no ego here I just think timing is everything and I think that quilters really want a variety.  We were giving them what we thought they wanted and depriving them of options.  Now they can create an assortment of quilts with various personalities.

It’s a new day….ok so that was the build up to like??? I told you to wear sunglasses!  Oh and look at them with Crazy Love!!! They are coming I promise just keeping you on the edge of your seat.

Update: Crazy Love March ship and Super Fly June ship for all your summer ideas!!

Red beauty!!

That would be my girlfriend Sally Keller !!! She’s so talented, and she sings!!! I met Sally at Market last year and she was just the nicest person you ever want to meet and she got me..She makes the most fabulous mini quilts you ever did see.  But I wanted you to see her Honey Child Pillow complete with a fold over ruffle that is just so sweet. Look at that crochet detail.  Totally Smitten!!!