Insta Jenny Eliza Love!

Nothing motivates us harder at Sis Boom than the love we receive from all of you so today we’re celebrating Jenny Eliza through your eyes!  So here are some “#JennyEliza” pics we found within the past week on Instagram! We hope they bring you as much joy as they bring us:je1je2je3je4je5Keep the photos coming!!–Lisa





Jenny Eliza is at Jo-Ann!

We have great news!
Jenny Eliza is now available at Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores nationwide!
Call your local Jo-Ann today to find out if they’ve got it on the shelves OR order online from the comfort of your couch!
These fabrics feel alive and the colors really POP!
We have lots of pics coming your way for inspiration and we can’t wait to see what you come up with on your own!
Be sure to share your creations with us and your friends on Facebook!
And get ideas from our beautiful fabric creations!


Nora Mae’s Legacy

So when I went to Springs Creative to visit I stayed in the historical Homestead built in 1790 by John Springs and saw first hand the rich history that Springfield Plantation held,  I was overcome with emotion.  A shack with Cotton written in white paint reminded me of all that came before me and the ancestors that grew cotton to support a thriving mill industry.  As Americans we are all part of that amazing legacy when America reigned supreme in the manufacturing of cotton.  The Homestead Still owned by the Springs family was beautifully maintained and  I couldn’t help but realize how  well preserved and how reverently everything was kept.  I saw slave quarters which is a very big part of  the cotton history at that time.  The Springs Family are  ambassadors to protecting and preserving the rich history of cotton..  A Beautiful  library of books with famous authors of the 18th and 19th century are immaculately kept. Letters from the 1500’s are documented. Rooms full of fabric and pieces from the earlier Springs collections are beautifully kept in their archives. I tell you they are amazing stewards of the Fabric manufacturing in this country.  I loved being in the presence of such enormous knowledge. So when I came upon Nora Mae and they told me she was the oldest living employe I was struck hard by all she’d seen in her long life.  The tales this woman could tell.  All the wonderful knowledge of the bygone years.  She saw manufacturing go overseas, I can’t imagine what that must have done overtime to these folks.  She saw an amazing bustling city time go dormant, Mills emptied out, buildings sold off.  How had she managed?  I knew shortly after I left South Carolina that I wanted to name a fabric line for this beautiful woman.  I was stunned by her lovely welcome and that southern charm as only someone of her upbringing would know.  I am blessed she loves the fabric line named for her.  It is my tribute to her and to everyone who ever worked at Springs.  I salute you, all of you. Thanks Nora Mae for being so beautiful to a girl on her first visit to your wonderful land.  Happy Land that is.  Nora Mae is sold under the Jenny Eliza brand for Joann’s all done by Me, Jennifer Paganelli.luckycharm


What the Summer will bring – Jenny Eliza!

Another gem for you, this Jenny Eliza dress puts one of those ear-to-ear smiles on our face. Does it get more darling? No, we didn’t think so.

All just a blink away– Summer air, sweet daisies, friendly picnics, and Jenny Eliza at JoAnn. We’re feeling pretty lucky!



Jenny Eliza comes to life

Working with fabric designs on a two-dimensional level is always incredibly fun and rewarding, but there is nothing in this world like opening a box with the actual materials there for you to hold and touch and hug!

Just when we can’t imagine it getting any happier or more exciting, we begin building meaningful little dresses, pillows and trinkets out of these fabrics and that is when the true magic happens. Watching Jenny Eliza come to life is incredible — the scale and the colors are a treat to the soul, and the way they bounce and play with one another is simply the best eye candy a gal could ask for.

July is just around the corner, when these fabrics will be available in JoAnn Fabric and Crafts…. and then we get to watch all of YOU work your magic!

