Heloooo Laminate!

We’re just loving these laminates!!!

Ok, Ok..so we know we posted a laminate bag just a few days ago, but we stumbled upon this beauty and couldn’t resist posting about it today!

Made by our awesome friend, Victoria of Bumble Beans, this laminate screams out Summer fun! Can’t you imagine toting this beauty along the beach stuffed with your fabulous book, sandals, sunglasses and towel!? (psst… ignore the fact that it’s been raining for the past 2 weeks!)

If you’re not a sewer, we suggest you pick up some yardage in order to dress your table, like Victoria did here!…

Where can you purchase your laminates? Fabric.com, and Modern June are two great places to start!!

Super PS… did you see yesterday’s raffle post?! What are you waiting for! Go leave a comment to enter! Winner gets 10 yards of Old School Sis Boom fabric!! yeah!!!