Zebra Halters

Can you imagine this summer ???  Wild off beat zebra Halters and iconic 70’s tablecloths and then OMG the quilts!!!  This is a large scale, go big or go home is the rule of thumb here. !!!  We can hardly wait to get these made up , this is my mock up yardage so that means in 4 weeks it will start to ship to stores!!! Are you on board?? overboard???  Will we see a swimsuit??  Please??  What you’ll need to do is get to Craftsy today all your other shops will have up by Monday !  Carla made two styles of top you can plunge or not.  The modest crossover could be your pic.  Your call. So think of the possibilities. Then show us what’s going on and we’ll try to keep up.  As you know I get around try to give cheers and well wishes to everyone because you are so important to me.  So check out Super Fly and dream big..