Tara Frey

You all know her from her book Blogging for Bliss but may I say this girl has huge style that's not stuck up.  She's beautiful inside and out , shares from the heart and wants everyone to love the nest they call home.  I love the way she writes about her husband and kids.  Tara developed a book that got others started with their passion too.  Her writing style is open and accessible  , loving and generous.  She's so available and she even invites you to Ask her Anything!!! She's a realist and I love her for that.  She's passionate and that comes across in her emphatic discourse and without judgment encourages others to find the thing that brings them joy and makes them whole.  So if you never got the book it is now in a downloadable format.  Even if blogging is not your thing get the book!!!  I didn't think blogging was my thing either but as the my kids tell me it's facebook for adults.  You don't need a plan, or a business, or the perfect anything..think of it the way she does..it's journaling and you'll be happy you did!!  Thanks from all of us Miss Tara!!416110428_370 


Something to make!!!

Melissa P. of  A Hundred Billion Stars has a wonderful free Tutorial posted and these are amazing gifts for moms, teachers, friends, birthdays, students also a lifesaver when it comes to finding your ID.   Yes it's an ID keeper!!  Made from scraps and who doesn't have lots of scraps????  ..and about the doll my mom helped me with the face but only the face I swear……Thanks Melissa you are a star!!

Small ID keeper pic

Christmas 1968

I was 10 years old and made this for my beloved sister Molly !!!  She cherished it and wonders where it is today??????  A million moves later and a couple of hurricanes in St.Croix it is anyone's guess ..I just hope she is making someone very happy…Have you seen her?? There may be a reward. A couple of fatquarters? Anyone?


Buy a ticket today!!!

Biggest event of the year!! The Creative Connection with Nancy Soriano former editor of Country Living and Jo Packham of Where Women Create..It will be amazing.


Make this!!!!

Here's a fun project!!!!!! Take fringe trim ..mine is vintage..but I'm sure anything would work..get out your hot glue and start at the bottom of the lampshade..keep wrapping and stop when you get to the top!!! Show us yours in Sis Boom Sightings..we'd love to see…….


The Cathy Top

Found this pic of our Cathy dress /top in the Sis Boom archives and I want to say the reviews for Carla and I have been astounding…can I say the single most popular pattern in the whole wide world???? Probably not !!!!! But that never stopped me before….so download yours today and get your imagination on..Imagine the collar and ruffle as being a solid fabric or something fun like that and remember watch for Marlo (no blog :() the coordinating top for teens and moms…thanks for loaning us your names (Cathy's blog) girls!!!! Look for all of our patterns down the sidebar on the right of this page and on Carlas blog there's a bunch of great patterns and as always grateful you stopped in…


Have a nice Day!!!

Just remembered…..

Alyssa Sarria is our five yard winner….then we have 6 count um 6
runner ups that each got two fatquarters….Jill Adkins , Caitlin
Baker, Chelsea Fournier, Virginia Cotta, Stacy Gibbs and Karen Spahn.

Don't forget to make a …….IMG_0078_4

So St. Croix showing up in so many Places!!

Paul from equilter just contacted me and I saw Jona our girl from Fabritopia and Jocelyn from the fatquarter shop has theirs Don't forget Fat Quarter shop does a nice bundle of fatquarters!!…We love the updates!! What I love and what all of you notice about me is that Sis Boom fabrics all work together.  Previous lines or future lines they all play off of one another.  Notice I didn't say match.  I'm sort of under the belief that our ancestors didn't have the luxury of matching and their adhoc quilts and mismatched patches are really so gorgeous after all these years.  So don't make yourself all nuts with precision and exactness just play and forgo all the rules.  Chillax!! On the other hand if you are the matchy matchy type there's a bunch of things for you too!!  🙂

So I've contacted some of the winners and even the ones that got two fat quarters are cheering..You have to love their gratitude.  

You guys are the heart and soul of this place and you make me smile…

I have to share this beautiful poster my mother made for The Salvation army..and you wonder where I get it from…You all know Pat she's the star of my blog world.  That's her with my handsome nephew Noah.  She's 75 and she's on facebook!!!  I should be so lucky…

so Keep coming back a new raffle in April..it's not that far away. Look for winners tomorrow.

Love, Jennifer



If you are a Casey Scroll Fan it is officially discontinued but some of our sellers have them and certainly ebay so "START THE CAR" as we say around here.  So today we pick a winner but I thought I'd show you Zura from Sew Retro Chic's use of Casey Scroll while we are waiting. Look at her girls bopping around in these great tops from her stash of Japanese Patterns.  Quintessential perfection.

I found her in our flickr group and had to give her a shout on the blog.  Get over there folks you will be so inspired!!! I thank each and everyone of you for the gifts I find in there each day!!!  And I love reading your comments you all are the best..with your laughter , your silliness your gratitude, I am at times speechless.

For those of you who wanted to see my bag that was it….the beautiful thing I'm holding..I spent the rest of the class with a seam ripper ………those come in handy!! Who knew?

I'm so crazy about you all that we are sending two fat quarters to five other winners.  So keep commenting  to the five yard giveaway.

Take it away Zura!!


My handbag experience

Ok so you all are dieing to know what I made with Maya Luz right?  The handbag turned out not so good…I mean it ..anyone who was there will vouch for me…and they will!!  Here's what you do think of a homely bag and then take it down ten notches….ok so now you've seen the bag. So it was suggested to me to stick with what I know and that is designing fabric….  and I'm ok with that! …..so    while the raffle is going on I thought I'd tell you how much I love Make and Mingle!!!  Lots of buzz surrounding this awesome place to get inspired.  You just want to get your craft on as soon as you walk in and see the embellished bicycle in the front doorway. but I have to say that the highlight of my day after going with Nancy was meeting Kate Spain who most of you already know designs for Moda!!!  she is a total dollface and has a beautiful line of fabrics that you'll see on the sidebar of her blog…she's got the eyes that dance and is totally charming.  I pray for only good things for Miss Kate.  Oh and that's Maya Luz in the middle ok so I'm a celebrity hog I figure if she wins project runway she'll definitely be calling me up!! Not!! I should have paid more attention cause what I'm making does in noway resemble a hand bag..and I didn't score any points showing the only thing I could do well was iron on the interfacing…Paganelli out!!

oh and leave a comment below to enter the raffle on the previous post…winner will be announced tomorrow!!!
