My brother and I have another birthday!!!!!

It's always been about me!!!!!!  He's lucky to be my twin!!  We love birthday wishes!!!!



Got Paisley?

Hey boys and girls Sis Boom is rockin!!  So much going on and I didn't want a minute more to go by without you seeing the colorways of our new Paisley Lee!!!  Check it out!!! Lush Lush Lush for bedding or beachwear or anything else you can think of!!!  It will make you so happy!!!  So St. Croix arrives in stock by the end of February.  Freespirit is standing by for your pre-orders!!!


Under the Eiffel Tower!

No I didn't fall off the face of the earth my little sis just got married in Atlanta!!!  Many pics to follow shortly!  In the meantime don't forget So St. Croix rolling off the fabric presses to a store near you!! Recently there was a Sis Boom Sighting seen in Paris under the Eiffel Tower two amazing ruffled pillows and these gorgeous lush quilts were sitting right beside them !!!   Would I lie to you? and never forget the long arm capabilities of my girlfriend Nancy Geaney of Go Make Your Bed and Dark Horse Farms!!  She whips these babies up quickly!!! Name your fabrics and give her a shout she's standing by!!!


Blue Nickel Studio for Sis Boom

Scott Hansen has his hands full. He has a boatload of kids, a very creative wife, a love of color and he works full time and he quilts beautiful quilts for many of the designers at Free Spirit Fabrics and there is a bunch of us!  I have to say this quilt is exquisite!  It's wonderful to have a quilter who understands your fabric and that how the placement of those individual quilt squares is essential to the finished piece !  I hope you like it and remember the freedownload on Free Spirit in a month or so when it's bound and quilted and ready for it's spotlight debut.  I couldn't wait to see what Scott came up with for the So St. Croix fabric line and he did not disappoint.  Scott you rock my world! Let him know if you liked the quilt he would love to hear from you.  All my very best to all of you . Jennifer


My pic of the month!!!

I don't know how this girl does it!  I would call her work fanciful and maybe find her work in the dictionary under fanciful.  Doesn't matter new or old they find a home here in her quilt collages. It's as if there were no decades between the old and the new they existed here long before she picked up needle and thread.  Beata Basik has a wonderful informative sensibility , take a look at her blog Rose hip and you'll understand why I am so crazy about her!!  Beata's work is moving and soulful and her photos are so poetic.  Just Look at my fabrics in her hands.


Here are the files!!!!

Download Ideafixed.jpg2

Download Ideafixedgreen

so proud of myself!

I made this so you could download and make a little banner for someone you love!! Now if I could only make it downloadable..will work on that!!Ideafixed
Happy New Year to all my favorite blogging peeps!!!

Princess Sara

Whenever I win something I feel like a princess so I dubbed Sara of August Fields the winner of our Raffle Peasant dress Princess Sara.  She's building a house and I remember when we renovated there was no money for much else so I'm sure she's excited about winning the frock and necklace!!! Now remember we'll do more of these in the future but if you'd like to purchase the downloadable pattern please do so here!!DSC_0008

Happy New Year !

To my blogging buddies!!  Thank you for following my posts and leaving your fabulous comments and loving the art I make.  What more can I say except I wish you the joys of being who you are and pursuing possibilities.  Believe in the dream! I leave you with my husband as a child so we can all remember where we came from!!  Be well my traveling companions! (Tomorrow we'll have the winner of the raffle.)
