Make your Valentine a bouquet


Get ready for a photo tutorial of the Valentines Bouquet you all loved. Get some valentine scrapbook paper, maybe some sheet music, some stripes if you want and you will need 18-20 gauge wire so you can glue both ends with hearts.  Cut out 40 hearts and 40 backs to those hearts. Place hearts on either end of 12″ wire stem put scrapbook paper and sheet music back to back and sandwich in the wire. Use a 2″ punch for best results! See supplies below, very easy project.

Picking up where we left off..
Okay so you have your hearts on wires now so fold the bunch in half,  close hand around gently..bend back the hearts and flip the music sheet to the back or whatever you like the sheet music can be on top( they are on wire so whatever you choose will be on the top…press them outward (that’s why we use wire 20 gauge) then when they are all out hold with a rather firm grip and spread them to make a bouquet, so they progressively go out. , wrap ribbon around the wire once you have determined your bouquet is where you like it..use hot glue and wrap  ribbon  around the stem to the top..seal with hot glue..then in the middle of the bouquet put hot glue and add a button or some other vintage castoff or an old jewel..and voila Give it to the one you love!!!! Please let me know how you did.
ainspiration avalentine astripe aheart astem ahandful abounce aup acenter

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