Minding my own bees wax

ok so I’m sitting here after  George of customer service woke me up from my nap with loud barking.  I love how he lets me investigate to see if a prowler has come in while he waits upstairs until I give him the everything’s clear sign..  Poor George I’m afraid in his mature years is spooked by anything that resembles a shadow or sounds like a pin dropping..anywho I get on etsy and I find that Monique has been busy with the West Indies Collection making baby bumpers for cribs.  Her color sensibility blows me away.  One thing that I love about her when you use Sis Boom Fabrics across lines it all works!!!!  She really fascinates me!! I wish her all the continued success in the world..see how she does it.  oh and it’s all for sale..  Get the bumpers made before the baby arrives ,!!! Thanks Monique for sharing your color sensibility with us once again!!

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