Forget Me Not

Say I Love You with a sweet Forget Me Not Bouquet. Paired with silky seam binding and velvet on a floral heart, this one’s packed with love and tenderness.

Dangle a precious collection like this from a powder room mirror, a doorknob… how about as sweet little cake toppers?! Or cupcake toppers?! (you know you just got excited!!!!)

How? When you’re gluing your heart backing on, sneak a super thin piece of wire, or even a toothpick between the layers, apply your glue, and press together! Totally, cute, eh?

To make a dangling heart, place a piece of seambinding ribbon between two hearts, glue them together & add your posy with a thin piece of velvet. voila!!!

The possibilities are limitless… these little Valentine traditions will look awesome anywhere that calls for a little touch of love. Sigh. So sweet!

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