Renew, Refresh, Reorganize

It’s already the 19th of January, our month for renewal, and while you’re all sending in beautiful, wonderful, inspirational comments for our 10 Yard Raffle (ends tomorrow!), we thought we’d touch on the touchy subject of organizing a workspace. Why? We couldn’t help but notice that a lot of your comments pertain to getting back in your offices & studios, organizing yourselves, and creating new goodies.

It’s inevitable. Once the imagination gets going, glitter starts flying, paper goes everywhere, needles and thread get strewn, and by the end of even just 1 whirlwind hour of creating it’s like a tornado ripped through your crafting room! Right or wrong?!

A lot of beautiful work gets done that way, and it’s difficult to clean while creating… but you will find that the more organized you are when you begin, organizing can automatically fit in to the creating process simply by always knowing where things are (easy to find & use) and putting them back when you’re done (so the next time you go to create, it’s just as easy to locate your materials).

So, take some time this weekend… Set a goal for yourself to organize your office and have fun. Make a nice cup of tea, put on your favorite CD and chill out. Enter your craft room with a peaceful mind, as not to get overwhelmed, and just go for it! Get started by piling like objects together until you sort out all contents into a handful of piles. Keep a trash bag nearby for scraps, and donate things that you don’t have use for anymore. Re-familiarizing yourself with your materials also helps spark the imagination and can be totally inspiring.

You can do it! Go on! Have fun!

Once you’ve finished the job give yourself a big pat on the back & go play in the snow! Georgie will be waiting for ya!

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