Pucci Paisley Patchwork

Our latest patchwork bag I love this one giving you the back and front views!!!Img_0126

I like my job

It’s easy to make you all happy post pretty things and the merchandise starts to sell out so I thought I’d show you are top selling dress in size 9-10 for now!!!Img_0132_4

Media Splash

Check it out Country Living sneak Preview for June….Remember these fabrics …(Sis Boom Girlfriends) are still all over Ebay ….search for Sis Boom Fabrics and hundreds pop up Kabbodle.com is having a sale too!!!!Sc002b9762

Important Info

Due to popular demand I just want to let everyone know the following Girlfriends Fabric known as Karen will still be carried in these colors by Freespirit for Westminster Fibers so keep this as a reminder!!!D1346010_5


These five fat quarters of my new collection are being raffled off so put your name in the hat and become a winner!! Thanks to my new bud Anna Maria Hornerfor this incredible idea…Img_0076_2