
The bus went by today and it’s always a trigger for longing..It went by so fast and yet I am so grateful to be present for all of it.  There is so much that can take us out of the day to day , we see it all the time.  I ‘m just so glad to have felt all the good the bad and the ugly.  There is something so precious about being present and available to our kids.  I love mine to bits and  I do miss the wonder that they experience in front of you every day..It’s exquisite.  So when I saw this beautiful quilt on the beach that Jane from Maiden Jane made it made me miss their youth even more.  She created something so beautiful that will be packed with memories over the years!  Have you met Jane be sure to follow her she is delightful.  Crazy Love is no longer being produced but lots of places carry them.  Here’s one place I found. Quilt Home has a ton!!

Summers end

Summers end

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