It’s all Good!!

Thanks everyone for your loving Birthday wishes I have my friend Charlotte Lyons to thank because I loved getting them!!!!….I’ve been hiding. You see it was my birthday, a very big birthday and I wasn’t where my mind thought I should be !!! That’s a drag and a heavy burden to carry. I just turned 50 and and became a card carrying member of AARP!! Who Knew? I saw a wonderful picture today and on it said what age would you be if you didn’t know how old we were?? Loving that sooo much. I am 27 have been and always will be and yes chronologically I am 50 but I don’t live there. I live inside my heart like my mom always did. You see She’s 75 and I am going to surprise her with a trip to Paris this summer because we don’t stop living!! We’ve learned numbers don’t define who we really and truly are. They are always playing with our minds those numbers, be it age , size, weight, and we give them so much power. But I’ve decided to out myself and you know what I’ve never felt more at peace. It’s so freeing !!! I love my life! I love my family and friends! But it’s more than that…I have faith that I’m right where I’m supposed to be! Not less than or more than just right size. Thanks for celebrating with me and enjoy 2008 wherever you are at in life be grateful for everyday because more will be revealed and you will discover as I have to savor the truth and not to buy into the numbers game. You define you…noone else.
Thanks Nuala and Karen for the absolute perfect day in Old Saybrook with all the amazing memories we shared yesterday…my fabulous fiftieth birthday. Thegirls111608

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